Saturday, September 15, 2007

we're golden

I agree with dusty. This trip has had so many god interventions it's crazy. Another example that dusty was too tired to write about last night was our miracle bus. We had been out having so much fun yesterday that we stopped paying close attention to the bus schedules. Our last stop was the rope bridge and after crossing, we started the long trek back to where the bus stop was SUPPOSED to be, but to our shock, there was none. So with nothing better to do than hike to town, we headed down a random dirt path with our fingers crossed that we could catch a bus there. When we arrived-hallelujah- there was a stop. Literally one minute later, a bus pulls up and the driver informs us she is the last bus of the night! We had just made it. I think we were both shocked and relieved that God had created yet another miracle for us. This entire trip has been such a learning experience for me. I've been stretched and pulled and stressed and it's all taught me how easy it is to just give it all to God and whatever happens- happens! And it's usually exactly what you wanted in the first place.
Right now, dusty and I are on the train- ooo! train for the first time!- and it's awesome! There's so much room, so much more peace and quiet, so much less twisty turny pukey road. It's a bit more expensive but we figure for our last travel day, why not go in luxury? Haha. At this point, even small things have become luxuries: hot showers, a quiet train ride, a big dry towel, a big glass of diet coke with lots of ice- oh ice, how I miss you- or taking your shoes off after walking all day! I'm ready to come home and take a hot shower in my huge bathroom that I could do cartwheels in if I wanted and not have to worry about who is waiting to use the shower after me or how much time I have until the bus comes or exactly how many germs are crawling on me after i've been in these same clothes for five days in a row.
Tonight dusty and I are going to try to go on another pub crawl, this time literary, and then tomorrow we'll bum around town, maybe pick up a few souvenirs before heading home on Monday. Wow, home aleady? Alright, I suppose that's okay.:)

1 comment:

Sheri Ross said...

I'm so proud of you both for recognizing God's hand in your travels. Isn't He amazing???!!!
He has proven it to me again by helping me get through Dustin's wedding day. Beautiful sunshine...I will sing His praises forever. We are all so excited to hear every detail when you get home, but realize if might have to be after you've both slept a few days. MISS YOU BOTH SO MUCH. Love Mom Ross