Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Starbucks... home

If we said that today has been a long day I would be lying. I'm so tired I don't even have the energy to think of a creative adjective to use, so we will let you come up with your own. We have been up for 22+ hours, 11 of which was on an airplane, we are in a country that is unlike Cheers 'where everybody knows your name' and currently sitting in a Starbucks, which has become our US embassy, trying to get a little energy to enjoy our day. All we want to do is take a nap but when we finally found our hostle and got checked in, we were informed that we can't get into our room for another 2 hours, on top of that we are afraid that the ADD kid from Florida we met when we were checking in is going to be in our room. But we refuse to let it get the best of us. We are holding strong for you all!


Stearling said...

Woohoo, ADD!!!111!!

Just kidding, glad you guys made it safe and sound, enjoy yourselves...

Sheri Ross said...

Yea God, for getting you both safely to Ireland. Whew...I didn't sleep last night wondering if your backpacks made it with you. Good to know you're all together. It sounds like you've already had quite the adventure just getting to your destination...GO IRELAND! Have a great day, despite the ADD influence. We love you guys.