Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Holy moley! We figured out how to add pictures to our blog so we went back and did some updating. Check them out. They are only a few highlights of the million of pictures we have already taken but we figure a few is better than none and now is better than never...

In this lower picture, the red building is the one we are staying in. The top picture is of me, exhausted, after a long day of surfing. It was my first time ever in the Atlantic Ocean and I think I drank half of it! I got up my on board several times but it helps when you have a cute instructor that you want to impress. Haha. :) Most of the time, after standing up on my board for a few seconds, I promptly face planted back into the ocean, but at least I had a few moments of glory. **Sadly, there were no pictures taken during our surfing expedition. We didn't want to risk getting too much salt water on our cameras and there was no one to take our picture at the beach. Even if we did have pictures, they would mostly be of us falling or crashing or biting or drowning... but we promise we actually went. We'll prove it to you all when we come home and buy surfboards and rock the Oregon coast with our surfing expertise.**

Another important update is that Dusty and I did laundry for the first time today! I have to say, having clean laundry is wonderful! Also, we made a plan (finally!) about what we're doing tomorrow. We're taking the advice of Killian, another surf instructor we met, and we're headed to Port Rush so we can see Giant's Causeway and walk across the Carrick-a-rede Rope Bridge and then get the heck out of EXPENSIVE North Ireland. We'll attempt to continue posting pictures but no promises!



Stearling said...

I'm so glad you guys are having a blast. That picture is so classic I love it! Stay safe, we're all praying for you...

Sheri Ross said...

Yea! Pictures! Samantha, it seems like I haven't seen you for so long...and there you are, my little baby in Ireland. Awesome. Send more pictures! Mom Ross

Papa & Gram said...

PICTURES, PICTURES, PICTURES!! We love your stories. Papa and I are enjoying this trip right along with you guys. I agree with your Mom, seems like it's been forever since we've seen you. But what a trip!!Love you sweetie! Gramma xoxoxoxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Yeah.. I haven't seen you in forever either Sam...

sounds like you guys are having a blast. i can't wait to hear about it.

love you <3

Sheri Ross said...

Hey big sis its me again and dreams are shatered. Tell dusty its all his fault by the way but you can still be my alchohalic savior (please). It is ao awesome to hear about your trip I run to the computer everyday to check the updates haha I wish I was with you you big bunch of jerks. I told you I want to be an uncle in 5 years so you better get down to some serious flirting and bring that patrick dude back to the states. It would be sweet to have a brother with an accent haha.

Love Ya Both, Matt

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.