Monday, September 10, 2007

who wears short shorts?

Galway is beautiful. Dusty and I are definitely fans. The hostel is one of our favorites but it's really loud. We're right next to a crazy intersection and the cherry on top was when the recycling man came through and dumped all the glass garbage into the truck. On top of more glass. It was so ear-bleeding loud that it woke everyone up in the room. OH by the way, we're in a room with eight other people. But it hasn't been bad at all.
Last night, we started walking downtown and it was really nice out so dusty had on his shorts. All of sudden, this little old man walks up to dusty and says,"did you grow up too fast?" and dusty says, "um, no, why?" and the old guy says, "because it looks like you grew out of your pants!" this whole conversation happened in the course of thirty seconds. It was hilarious and totally random.
Today was so much fun! Dusty and I decided to take a tour bus to county Clare. We saw a ton of cool things like the aillee caves, the burren, one of the oldest burial tombs in Ireland, and the incredible cliffs of moher! Yes, we have taken lots of pictures and yes, we are having a great time.
What's crazy is it hasn't rained at all since we've been here. The locals are calling it an Indian summer but I think it's my Mom who has been praying for good weather. And congratulations to dusty's mom who has recently learned how to access this blog and has joined the commenting fun.
Tomorrow, we are destined for another long bus trip to bundoran where on Thursday we will learn to surf! We will keep you updated and know that we miss you all a lot and wish you could be here.


Papa & Gram said...

Dusty...Sammi will have a smile on her lips everytime you wear shorts. What a funny story. Papa and I are waiting to hear about the surfing lessons. Papa says the water is going to be cold! The time is going by so fast! Love ya, Papa and Gram

Anonymous said...

why didn't the old guy ask if samantha had grown out of her pants...oh wait, never mind.

Anonymous said...

I've heard that of all the locations that have sharks outside of Australia, Irish ones are the meanest. If you see a wee green fin coming at you.......hope you have a four leaf clover or you can kiss your sarfen bard gooby.
